Tuesday 29 April 2008

MTV puts in OT as social worker

MTV puts in OT as social worker

To scrape the two-year anniversary of its "Break the Addiction"
environmental run as well as Solid ground Sidereal day on William Ashley Sunday, MTV's "The
Real World: Hollywood" launched its 20th season Wednesday with its
number one eco-friendly theater and its cast members delivering honey oil

Last week, as part of its "Prefer or Unloosen" crusade, MTV and its
online sociable networking platform Call up.MTV.com launched a
competition challenging tV audience to acquire viral videos
demonstrating how quick and slow it is to register to ballot.

To support its HIV/AIDS It's Your (Sex) Life public information
campaign, MTV likewise hosted a lyrics competition with hip-hop creative person
Commons on "TRL" through the ending of Borderland in partnership with the
Kaiser Family Introduction.

The initiatives are just the latest of hundreds of major pro-social
campaigns the network has implemented since its inception in

Ian Rowe, MTV senior vp strategic partnerships and public affairs,
said the network lately has stepped up its possess pro-social
campaigns spell the newly Think.MTV.com, which houses whole MTV
campaigns, has revitalized its efforts, drawing greater interest
not just from visitors to the land site but as well from such celebrities
as Bono, Common, Pete Wentz and Alicia Keys wHO want to encourage
their possess pro-social agendas.